Discover the story behind home
Whether you're a current owner, prospective buyer, or just interested in the old property down the street, I can assist you in discovering the rich histories behind the everyday places where life unfolds.
I help both individuals and organizations connect the tangible present to the past by delving into a wide range of historical sources.
If you have a specific historical question about a property, a rumor you'd like to verify or debunk, a curiosity about past residents, or just a craving for knowledge about a particular place, Belloni Research Consulting can help.
I provide comprehensive research reports that are written in narrative form. These reports contain findings and analysis with source citations, and also include copies of relevant documents, maps, and photographs.
My current area of service is central Indiana; however I'm happy to take on clients throughout the state of Indiana and the larger Midwest on a case-by-case basis.
Ready to discover more? Contact me.